My Brandfolder profile

How can I access my personal Brandfolder features?

Who can use this?


  • Brandfolder


Owners, Administrators, Collaborators, and Guests can access the My Profile section in Brandfolder.

Find out if this capability is included in Smartsheet Regions or Smartsheet Gov.

Navigate to My Profile

Once logged into Brandfolder, you can access My Profile by selecting Hi, [Your Name] in the upper-right corner and selecting My Profile from the dropdown.

This image shows the My Profile button under the profile dropwdown.

My Profile

My Profile provides an overview of your Brandfolder activities, including your favorite assets stored within a Board, Notification Center, and easy access to account settings and integrations.

This image shows the My Profile page.

When you log in to Brandfolder, you will notice that your profile populates with the Organizations, Brandfolder, and Collections you can access.

My Boards

Boards can be used to create a cultivated view of user-specific assets. To add an asset to a board, select the asset(s) and select + Add to > Boards in the bulk actions bar.

This image shows the Add to Boards functionality on the bulk action toolbar.

From there, you will have the option to add the asset(s) to a new Board or a pre-existing Board. 

Your assets will populate in the My Boards tab so you can access your top collateral, such as sales decks, popular ads, or commonly used logos.  

This image depicts the My Boards tab of the profile page.

You can also create a new Board without adding assets by selecting + Create Board.


You can’t share boards with other users.


Notification Center

Notification Center allows you to monitor real-time asset activity by viewing newly uploaded assets. 

This image shows the Notifications tab of the profile page.

You will receive a notification when someone uploads new assets to your Brandfolder. 


The Integrations tab of My Profile catalogs your Brandfolder integrations. You can also add and integrate new apps here using an API key. 

To see all the integrations Brandfolder supports, visit the Brandfolder Integrations page.     

This image shows the Integrations tab of the profile page.