See answers to questions customers commonly ask our account and billing team.
Where can I find the Smartsheet W-9 form?
You can download the Smartsheet W-9 form.
How many licenses does my organization have (Legacy Collaborator Model)?
Not sure which model your plan uses? Ask a System Admin if there’s a Manage true-up page in Admin Center. If there is, your plan uses the User Subscription Model. See the User Subscription Model System Admin overview article for more information.
How you see the number of licenses associated with your account will depend on your plan type (if you’re not sure what plan type you have, please see the article Identify your Smartsheet plan and user type).
If you're part of an Enterprise plan, have your System Admin contact your Smartsheet sales rep (contact our sales team).
Find the number of licenses associated with a Business plan
You must be a System Admin to view the number of licenses associated with your plan.
If you’re on a Business plan, here’s how you can view how many licenses are associated with your account:
- In the lower-left area of the Navigation Bar, select Account (or if you are logged into your Smartsheet account, click here to go straight to the Account Administration window).
- Select Plan & Billing Info.
The number of licenses you have will be visible next to Licensed Users (you’ll see how many licenses have been allocated and how many licenses are available).
How many paid users or Members does my organization have (User Subscription Model)?
Not sure which model your plan uses? Ask a System Admin if there’s a Manage true-up page in Admin Center. If there is, your plan uses the User Subscription Model. See the User Subscription Model System Admin overview article for more information.
The Manage true-up page in Admin Center shows the number of Members you'll need to purchase after the next reconciliation period if all users retain the current level of access. Learn more about provisional use and the true-up process in the User Subscription Model System Admin overview article.
My credit card payment failed. How can I avoid a disruption in service?
The most common reason for a failed credit card payment is that the credit card associated with the Smartsheet account has expired or has been suspended for some other reason. There’s no need to panic, Smartsheet grants you a limited grace period so that you have time to update the credit card information to one that is not expired or blocked.
To ensure that your account remains active, please follow the steps in the article Review or change account, plan, or billing Info to update the payment information.
If you're unaware of a change in your credit card status, please contact your bank for further assistance.
Where can I get a receipt or invoice?
The method to get a receipt or invoice will depend on how you pay for Smartsheet.
Credit Card or PayPal
If you pay for Smartsheet using a Credit Card or PayPal, you can locate your billing history right from Smartsheet. You’ll find specific instructions in the Review or change account, plan, or billing Info help article.
If you pay via invoice, you can request a copy of an invoice by contacting our Finance Department. Please include the invoice number in your request.
How do I make a credit card payment for an invoice?
Effective July 22, 2020, our process has changed for credit card payments. A new credit card link has been added to the bottom of your invoice, by following the payment link you will no longer have to log into your Smartsheet account to pay your invoice by credit card. It’s that simple.
If you were a customer prior to July 22nd, you can still access your invoice history through the Smartsheet Customer Center, but you will no longer be able to make credit card payments through it.
If you have any further questions, please visit our Billing and Finance Support page.